After two years teaching in Little People, I am currently on maternity leave. My husband and I are expecting a girl in January and naming her Cathleen, after his aunt who was a mother figure to him.
Her Japanese name will be Mila, from miracle.
As a Little People Guide, I see daily little moments of miracles of children developing and becoming independent beings who want to do things for themselves. It really is a magical moment observing children as young as 18 months old and seeing their thought processes as they find their work in the classroom.
Entering this new chapter of motherhood, I can’t help but feel thankful for being a part of MST. Being pregnant makes me understand why Little People parents hold their children close and want to do things for them.
Following the Child
With the 0-3 AMI Diploma Course, we learned about the capabilities of children. But to actively be in an Infant Community, I’ve truly learned how important it is for us to take a step back and observe. Since I’ve become pregnant, it is much more difficult to move around––it has allowed me to observe the children even more.
Through these observations, we get to see our Little People solve problems, their development of critical thinking, and the joy on their faces when they can accomplish a difficult task, such as taking off and putting on their shoes. Working in Little People, I observed how hands-on and capable the children are. When we do things for them we take that opportunity away from them. They learn by observing you and then you can observe them being able to do things.
Looking Forward to Miracles

There is so much to look forward to. For one, I can finally use the material I made for the 0-3 Montessori course, especially the Munari mobile and the topponcino, which is a little futon for an infant.
As I feel my baby girl dancing around in my womb, her dance moves getting stronger by the day, and the occasional hiccups, I want to remember that as much as she is a part of me, she is an individual being. I aspire to be like my colleagues, who are amazing mothers, and the parents and caretakers I have encountered at MST, to raise a child with confidence, respect, and compassion.
Most of all, I wish for my daughter to be joyful and have a sense of wonder, be curious about the world and never stop questioning.
Ayano Riley
Banyan Teacher